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Preparing for Christmas

Our 2008 Christmas Tree! From Marlborough this year!

They have Mini-Golf here!

Maddie you can go first

Aren't we cute?

Trimming the Tree

Maddie puts on an ornament

Mason the Elf helps trim the tree

Mason and Maddie on the Ladder

The tree is up!

Ready for Santa!

Mason and Maddie

We love Christmas!

Ready to see Santa in New Seabury!

Santa I want a Go-Cart and my sister wants a Balance Beam!

You are on my NICE list!

You can decorate your own cookies!

Maddie by the tree

Daddy and Maddie

Maddie and Mommy

Mason and Maddie

Mason gets invited on stage by the Magician

Maddie and Mason

Mason and Maddie

Brunch with Santa was fun!

Maddie at Church

Maddie the Angel

Mason the Wise Man looks after Baby Jesus

A Wise Man once said, "Stop taking Pictures!"

Great Job, Everyone!

Christmas Eve

Grandma and Maddie

Jeff and Carolyn

Maddie with Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Jeff

Thanks Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carolyn! These are great and we are thankful!

Uncle Jeff sets up a toy for Mason

Maddie and Christine

Check out the Stuffed Lobstahs!

YES - that is our Christmas Eve dinner in the oven, Stuffed Lobsters!

Mason in front of the Tree.

Christmas Eve Dinner Table

Mason and Maddie in front of the tree

Aunt Erika with Maddie

Kris shows off the Lobstahs on the table

Aunt Alyssa with Mason

Maddie in front of the Tree.

Mason leaves out the cookies for Santa

Jeff and Kris

Santa's Elfs help do some installing

Late Night: Christine and Carolyn

Late Night (actually early morning...)


Christmas Day

Look I got a Hello Kitty Radio!

And I got my Go-Cart!

Mason got Daddy some North Face gloves!

Daddy and Maddie

Maddie on Christmas Morning

Look at my ornament!

Aunt Alyssa and Maddie

Christmas Dinner Table

Marisa and Kris...with glasses! :)

Mommy and Maddie

Maddie, Hello Kitty, and their Mom and Dad

Grandma and Alyssa

Aunt Alyssa and her kids!

Lutz Family Photo

Maddie and Marisa

Kris and Marisa

Maddie and Aunt Alyssa

The Gals!

Marisa and Christine

Kris and Christine

Kris and the Ladies

Kris, Marisa and Christine

Kris having fun...

Maddie and Aunt Alyssa

Three Generations!

Grandma and Maddie

Mommy and Maddie

Check out these Sistahs!

Very Nice :-)

Marisa, Alyssa and Grandma

Aunt Alyssa and Maddie

Aunt Erika with Mason and Maddie

Aunt Erika with the kids and TJ

Visiting Family

Adam, Michaelyn and Pops

Jeff, Carolyn and Pops

Grandma plays Playstation!

Marisa plays Playstation!

Adam and Michaelyn Visit!

Silly picture!

Floor Hockey

Maddie plays Tea Party

This one is thirsty!

Liz and Maddie

Marisa and Grandma Lil'

Kids looking tired

Maddie in front of the tree

Giving Grandpa Pops a present

Pops in front of the tree

Grandma opens the candle!

Grandpa Pops loves Christmas!

Family Photo

Family Photo with Pops!

Grandpa Pops and Maddie

Mason and Maddie

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This site was last updated 01/02/09